Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Confessions of Nobody #5-Church Insanity

Churches are requiring a bachelor’s or master’s degree in order to be considered for a position as a “pastor.” Really? So you are telling me that in order to minister to the flock you have to get education from a Bible College, by professors who are not pastors, to teach you how to run a broken, archaic, unbiblical system, that they have never run themselves.

Every day in America, the doors of a Christian church closes. Every day in America are sold into slavery. Every day in America, churches look like ghost towns, and only come alive when the pastor opens the doors for board approved activity. Really? So we determine when the Holy Spirit moves? Really? We determine the dates and hours when God is present? Really?

Every Sunday in America, thousands of churches open their doors to hear the same person talk about God, the same perspective, the same expression of worship, guilting people into coming, because if you don’t, somehow you are not living the Christian life. Every Sunday in America, less and less people gather in the buildings that says “church,” the lie we have believed for hundreds of years, that “church” is the building.

Really? Have you not even read the Bible? Really? Church is NOT a building. Really? Church is not on Sunday! It is every day, all the time, in the everyday places we go, in the ordinary things we do, with the extraordinary people we encounter. Really?

Every year hundreds of people graduate from Bible Colleges, with papers in their hands that gives them permission to be a minister or pastor. It is dipped in the false doctrine of narcissism that says you are who makes the church successful. Today the new trend of Bible College training is “church planting” to fill the void of all the churches that are closing. They are using the old, archaic, unbiblical system they were taught to plant new churches.

Really? Is this some kind of sick joke. Planting the same system of churches, but expecting different results? Isn’t that the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results. Really? A piece of paper from other people, who say that you are educated enough, determines your ability to minister? Really? Didn’t Jesus grab the uneducated men to turn the world upside down? Didn’t Jesus say that “greater things we would do in His name?” His name. Not the name of the college, not the name of the professor, not our own name.

2 Corinthians 3-6
“Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, as some do, letters of recommendation to you or from you? You yourselves are our letter of recommendation, written on our hearts, to be known and read by all. And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone, but on tablets of the human hearts.”

So, we, 2000 years later, need letters of recommendation (degrees) by men on paper (tablets of stone). but the early disciples relied on the “Spirit of the Living God.” We are called to minister… PERIOD.  In our neighborhoods, communities, cities, states and even to the ends of the earth. We do not need a piece of paper that says we are able to minister. In fact, the Word of God says that we are made “strong” in our weakness, because it makes us rely on the Spirit of God.

My husband has been turned down for countless ministry “positions” simply because he does not have a piece of paper that says he was educated by men. Yet, we have letter from Christ, written on the hearts of every person, we have had the honor of ministering to. We have wisdom, beyond our years, as we have admitted our foolishness and allow God to make us wise. Churches hire young people right out of college, because they have a piece of paper that says they are wise. Really? How embarrassing for the church. How sad that we look like the world. How about use your discernment. Oh but most church leaders nowadays don’t even know what that word means. They rely on what they can see and touch. They follow the world’s pattern, instead of the pattern of God’s Word.
So, my husband and I, we continue to be a nobody. Undercover, secret agents of grace. Moving in and out of the shadows of the darkest places to bring light. We continue to be less so that He can be more. We are nothing without Christ. So in our journey as a nobody, people continue to see that Jesus is a somebody…. And that, after all is said and done is really our desire anyway.

John 3:30

I must decrease, so that He may increase.

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