Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Gift

Always? Always be joyful?

Is that even possible? To Always be joyful? No matter what happens?

Always be thankful!

Really? Always?

Even when life is falling apart around me?

Oh and by the way… pray too; while you are always being joyful and thankful… NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS.

Why? Oh because it’s God’s will for his children… oh okay… that seals it…


Ummm… I don’t know about you… but yeah… that does NOT happen in my life.
I am NOT always joyful and thankful in all my circumstances. I don’t always pray through things.
Sometime I downright complain. Sometimes I give God the silent treatment.

 And being thankful? When we were sued for a million dollars; when my mom, dad and grandma died of cancer in two years; when our family dog died; when my husband could not get a job to save his life; when we had no hot water, waited in long lines at the food bank; got on welfare and food stamps; had one broken down car after another, with no funds to purchase a new one; gas and electric bills rolling in with 24 hour notices on them; counting change to pay for gas and sports and activities for our kids to be involved in, like normal kids; anxiety attacks that put me in the hospital; depression that tormented my husband; coaches bullying my son; mean girls spewing hate towards my daughter; broken washing machine; deep wounds coming up to the surface.

Sure I will be thankful for all those things… ummm… or maybe not.

Seven years of sorrow consumed my family like piranhas in our lives. It literally took us down to the bone. Raw, true, vulnerable. We were exposed, bare, broken… yet we kept our eyes on Jesus. That does not mean we were singing the halleluiah chours every day… but we continually looked to him, complained to, cried out to him, cussed at him. It was a purge, a volcanic eruption of every hidden and pressed down wound that was trapped in our soul. It came gushing out with a vengeance and kept on flowing for years…

But in the midst of this purge…something sneaked up on us. A quiet, secret, precious gift. The best kind of gift you can receive. You know the kind you never ever imagined or even thought of. The one that is everything you never knew you wanted. You know those kind. Well this is what the LORD gave to us.

A GIFT, all wrapped up in sorrow. We didn’t know it at the time, but the trials, the sorrow, the pain… It was just wrapping paper. It was the box that held the gift. As we went through each hard thing, as we endured each sorrow, as each wave of unexpected trial hit us in the face… we were being trained on how to unwrap this gift; how to use it. The trials were perfecting our faith, so that we could be joyful in our trials. We are nowhere experts at how to use this gift… but we have it in our possession and are doing our best to use it daily.

It seems that no matter where I turn today, sorrow, anger, grief, pain, hopelessness overcomes the world. I hear story after story of people who are overwhelmed by the tragedies of life. Do I say, “Always be joyful and thankful and pray, no matter your circumstances?” Um… no, I don’t. It is not a gift I can give. What I can give, is the expression of the gift I unwrapped in my own circumstances. I can bring comfort, prayer, love, hope. Walking out the Christian faith is no picnic. It is an everyday battle. All day and night the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy us. All day and night, we have to fight the attack.

Thankfulness, joy, prayer… those are some to the weapons we have to fight back. Those are just some of the gifts God has given us to overcome darkness. Satan knows his days are numbered and so fights with a fury to turn us away from LOVE. In just the last two days, I have heard stories of unexpected death, suicide, homelessness, debilitating injury, cancer, rejection, abandonment, fear.
“Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let the endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” James 1:2-4

Here it is again, finding joy in the midst of various trials. Why? Because this testing of our faith produces endurance. Endurance for what? Endurance for the battle. The everyday struggles that the enemy hurls at us. The traumatic events that the enemy tries to destroy us with. Endurance is the power to endure (last, survive, continue) an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way.

Those who endure through great hardship, who find joy, who thank God in the midst of it, who pray without fail… We are counted as blessed. (James 5:11) For we know that it will push us to be more like Jesus. It is hard and I wish we could forgo the whole process. Yet the process works the sin out of us. It is a purification process- “making us perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

Still, God is compassionate and merciful in the process. Giving us grace through the process.
My heart is full, my mind is overwhelmed; my love is deep, my anger is intense; my resolve is mighty, my resources are few. Still, with everything in me… I will praise my God, my ABBA, who give me life in the midst of this dying world. I will be thankful that I am His, even when everything around me fails. This world is not my home. I am a visitor, a stranger, on a journey home to live forever in perfection with my Savior, with my brothers and sisters in Christ.

I long for all of you to come. I desperately desire that all seek this gift of endurance in the trials, so that you will find yourself unwrapping the JOY, the deep, true, unfailing JOY that comes from persevering and believing that God has never left you. It is there that peace comes. It is there that rest remains.

Perfection is impossible… but blamelessness is POSSIBLE. Perfection is our goal… always walking towards it. And although it can never be obtained on this earth, it is the direction in which we are going. Thanking God along the way, being joyful no matter the circumstances, always praying and talking with God about the journey. This is His will for us… this is our goal.

May today bring us opportunities to share joy, be thankful and pray for others… NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCES. 

A Child Again

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