Friday, April 29, 2016

New Blog- Confessions of a Nobody- RAW Heart

I have a passion for sharing my heart for being a nobody in this world. I have begun to post a sub section of my RAW blog- titling them "Confessions of a Nobody," about my experiences in ministry that, I hope, will challenge others, who don't have a title or degree or ministry, to do ministry anyway... as a natural outpouring of just being a believer of Jesus Christ.

I decided to start a separate blog with that title, and continue to write in this blog as well. This blog, RAW- Real Authentic Worship, will be about my more personal struggles, successes and stories. Confessions of a nobody will be dedicated to experiences I have, partnering with the LORD in the crazy adventure of reaching and loving the lost.

If you want to follow my new blog.... here it is:

A Child Again

And when all seems to be going well, after years of trials and tribulations... The rug is pulled out from under us and we are on the f...